Electric Road

Frequently asked questions about electric trucks

Before buying electric trucks in 2022, most people will have a lot of questions. This is normal when making any type of investment, because you want to ensure that you get value for your money.

Electromobility is associated with a lot of considerations. Some of these questions are related to charging, environmental impact, and range.

Here are some commonly asked questions about electromobility.

What is electromobility?

Many people want to know what electromobility means. This refers to vehicles – including buses, trains, cars, and trucks that are partly or fully powered by electricity, and which store energy onboard and are supplied by energy via the grid. The battery-electric vehicle is the main type of EV (electric vehicle) that has an electric driveline. However, there are also EVs fuelled by hydrogen, and these cars are known as fuel cell EVs. Electromobility also includes the support services for range, the charging infrastructure, and route planning.

What is the driving force behind the idea of electromobility?

A lot of companies have formulated ambitious carbon dioxide goals to ensure they comply with the Paris Agreement. E.g., regulations are also driving this technology and the desire for less noise and better air quality, especially in large urban areas.

Transport efficiency is also another important driver.

Electric trucks can efficiently make deliveries at night and during off-peak periods, and can have access to more locations compared with diesel-powered trucks.

What is the difference between fuel cell and battery electric technology?

A BEV or battery electric vehicle uses energy stored in its batteries. These batteries are often charged with electricity drawn from the grid. An EV using fuel cell technology is fuelled with hydrogen and this hydrogen is converted to electricity while the EV is being driven.

How do electric vehicles impact the environment?

Electric vehicles have a low environmental impact when the vehicles are in use. However, there is a slightly higher environmental impact during production. Electric drivelines are more efficient and have a lower environmental impact when they draw electricity from renewable sources of energy.

Do EVs produce zero emissions?

EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions and less noise compared with combustion engine vehicles. However, emissions are often released during the production process and, while driving, emissions are produced from road wear, brakes, and tires.

How do electric vehicles impact the climate compared to diesel vehicles?

It is important to look at the total life cycle of the EV to answer this question correctly. The total life cycle includes production, raw materials and usage. Electric vehicles emit more carbon dioxide during production but much less when using the vehicle. However, the availability of renewable sources of energy such as sun, wind and hydroelectric power has a significant effect on the impact of EVs.

Are EVs environmentally sustainable solutions if you take the life cycle of the battery into account?

About 90% of the life cycle environmental impact of diesel trucks comes from their usage.

Electric trucks 2022 that run on electricity from renewable energy have a lower usage impact. This is a great investment in the future of our planet.

Written by WHIA Staff Writer Luke Bonaventura